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Oil Giants Sell Dirty Wells to Buyers With Looser Climate Goals: Study

"When Royal Dutch Shell sold off its stake in the Umuechem oil field in Nigeria last year, it was, on paper, a step forward for the company’s climate ambitions: Shell could clean up its holdings, raise money to invest in cleaner technologies, and move toward its goal of net zero emissions by 2050."

Source: NYTimes, 05/11/2022

"Wildfires Rage in Siberia, Killing at Least 10"

"At least 10 people are dead and hundreds of homes and buildings are destroyed after wildfires ripped through eastern Siberia this weekend. High winds, officials said, both helped cause the fires and spread them out of control, after downed power lines short-circuited and sparked the flames, which were then blown across the area."

Source: Earther, 05/10/2022
