"Kicking Oil Companies Out Of School"
"Faculty and staff at Cambridge are planning a vote that would require the university to stop accepting fossil fuel money for research. It’s part of an expanding movement."
"Faculty and staff at Cambridge are planning a vote that would require the university to stop accepting fossil fuel money for research. It’s part of an expanding movement."
"When the Federal Emergency Management Agency overhauled its flood insurance program last year, it wanted to encourage homeowners to buy coverage by showing them more precisely the risk that each property faces of being flooded. But instead, hundreds of thousands of people have dropped the flood policies they were buying through FEMA, raising concerns that an unprecedented number of households are financially exposed to flood damage."
"The National Academy of Sciences said Jane Lubchenco violated its code of conduct before joining the Biden administration."
"An 'extreme heat belt' will impact over 100 million Americans in the next 30 years, study finds".
"The future of Texas’ troubled electric grid is being decided in the dark, with zero public input, by a group of people with deep connections to the fossil fuel industry."
"President Joe Biden signed Democrats’ landmark climate change and health care bill into law on Tuesday, delivering what he has called the “final piece” of his pared-down domestic agenda, as he aims to boost his party’s standing with voters less than three months before the midterm elections."
"The federal government will impose deeper cuts on the drought-stricken Colorado River, officials said on Tuesday, reducing water deliveries to Arizona by one-fifth starting in January."
Ahead of Brazil's 2022 elections, Smoke Signal socio environmental monitor invites journalists to the virtual launch of their new report "The Amazon and the Future of Brazil," showing politicians in nine Brazilian states supported dismantling of environmental policy to protect forests at the federal level. 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. ET.
Proposed Amendment to Article IV, Sections 3 and 6 of SEJ’s Bylaws
Sara Shipley Hiles
Associate Professor, University of Missouri
2022 Board Candidate, Academic Category
Dear SEJ Members,