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"Nigeria Floods 80 Times More Likely With Climate Change"

"Heavy rains and flooding that swamped Nigeria, Niger, Chad and the surrounding region between June and October this year was made 80 times more likely because of climate change, a rapid analysis by international climate attribution experts found."

Source: AP, 11/17/2022

"US Regulators To Vote On Largest Dam Demolition In History"

"The largest dam demolition and river restoration plan in the world could be close to reality Thursday as U.S. regulators vote on a plan to remove four aging hydro-electric structures, reopening hundreds of miles of California river habitat to imperiled salmon."

Source: AP, 11/17/2022

The Climate Lens: A Workshop for Screenwriting in the Age of Climate Change

The Writers Guild of America, East and Good Energy invite you to this virtual workshop demonstrating how, by applying a climate lens, writers can unlock touching, funny and surprising portrayals, from brief mentions to climate themes — all backed by climate science and the emotional and lived realities of the climate crisis. 6-7pm ET.
