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On Reporter’s Privilege, Justice Department Takes a Step Forward

The Department of Justice’s new regulations around reporter’s privilege — the protection of journalistic sources and notes — is a noteworthy advance. But the WatchDog Opinion column calls for more: a federal shield law that is less vulnerable to weakening by subsequent administrations. A take on the new regs, the state of current law and prospects for congressional action.

Coal Ash — An Overlooked Toxic Story That Won’t Go Away

Obama-era regulation of the toxic waste product coal ash, which was watered down in the face of resistance from coal and electric utilities and further weakened by the Trump administration, has meant many coal-fired power plants simply ignore disposal requirements. That’s per a new report that the latest TipSheet writes can offer journalists useful ways to report an overlooked environmental story in their area.

Help SEJ Support Journalists Like Rachel Nuwer

Rachel Nuwer is an award-winning freelance journalist who regularly writes about conservation, ecology and wildlife trade, and is the author of "Poached: Inside the Dark World of Wildlife Trafficking."
