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Student Press Freedom Day 2025

SEJ partners in this annual day of action which elevates and amplifies the significant challenges faced by student journalists, and celebrates their great successes. The 2025 SPFD theme is "At the ForeFront." Sign up for email updates to get first access to events, talking points, a toolkit and more.

"#ClimateScam: Denialism Claims Flooding Twitter Have Scientists Worried"

"Twitter has proved a cherished forum for climate scientists to share research, as well as for activists seeking to rally action to halt oil pipelines or decry politicians’ failure to cut pollution. But many are now fleeing Twitter due to a surge in climate misinformation, spam and even threats that have upended their relationship with the platform."

Source: Guardian, 12/15/2022

"In Bolivia, Mercury Pollution Spreads Amid a Surge in Gold Mining"

"A boom in small-scale gold mining in Bolivia has raised concerns about pollution from mercury used in the mining process. Researchers are citing the health impacts on downstream villages, but the government has yet to act to stem the widespread use of the highly toxic chemical."

Source: YaleE360, 12/15/2022

"Whitebark Pine That Feeds Grizzlies Is Threatened, US Says"

"Whitebark pine trees can live more than 1,000 years, but in just two decades more than a quarter of the trees that are a key food source for some grizzly bears have been killed by disease, climate change, wildfires and voracious beetles, government officials said as they announced federal protections Wednesday."

Source: AP, 12/15/2022

"Nevada Flower Listed As Endangered At Lithium Mine Site"

"A Nevada wildflower was declared endangered at the only place it’s known to exist — on a high-desert ridge where a lithium mine is planned to help meet growing demand for electric car batteries, U.S. wildlife officials announced Wednesday."

Source: AP, 12/15/2022
