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Tribes Accuse Calif. Water Board Of Discrimination And Urge EPA Oversight

"A coalition of California tribes and environmental justice groups filed a civil rights complaint Friday against the State Water Resources Control Board, charging it with discriminatory water management practices that it says have led to the ecological decline of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta."

Source: LA Times, 12/19/2022

Illinois Failed To Act on PFAS in Mississippi River For Over a Decade

"Alarmed by the threats to public health, Minnesota officials pressured 3M to dramatically reduce pollution released into the Mississippi River at its manufacturing plant southeast of Minneapolis-St. Paul, where the global conglomerate pioneered the highly toxic, almost indestructible chemicals after World War II."

Source: Chicago Tribune, 12/19/2022

Help SEJ Support Journalists Like Sharon Lerner

Sharon Lerner is a reporter for ProPublica covering health and the environment, often focusing on corporate malfeasance. Her work has been honored by SEJ 10 times, most recently as the Nina Mason Pulliam grand prize winner of the 2022 #SEJAwards.
