Climate Change Impacts
Christopher Field
Christopher Field
Judith Curry
Georgia Institute of Technology. Expertise: Ocean and atmospheric thermodynamics; polar clouds; hurricanes. Phone:(404) 894-3955 (Secretary); (404) 803-2012 (Cell). E-mail. Web site. Publications. Bio.
Tim Barnett
Scripps Institute of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego. Expertise: Oceanography, ENSO, Detection and attribution of anthropogenic climate change. Phone: (858)534-3223. E-mail: or Bio.
John Kutzbach
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Center for Climatic Research. Phone: (608) 262-0392. E-mail. Web site. Publications.
Richard A. Houghton
Woods Hole Research Center (Senior Scientist). Phone: (508) 540-9900 x116. E-mail. Web site. Publications and Bio: Woods Hole Research Center and US Climate Change Science Program.
John R. Christy
Anthony J. Broccoli
Rutgers University. Phone: (732) 932-9817. E-mail. Web site. Publications: Rutgers and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory/NOAA. Bio.