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Water Footprint: New Way To Measure Green

A recent CERES/Pacific Institute report identifies water-related risks specific to eight key industries, and offers good sources on calculating and using water footprints.

Google Earth Tool Provides Local CO2 Inventory

Localizing the effects of climate change remains challenging. But a new tool makes it easier to at least pin down the local sources of one of the main greenhouse gases, with the inventory led by Purdue University scientists.

Many Tools Available For Following the Stimulus Money

The massive $787 billion economic stimulus package signed into law by President Obama Feb. 17, 2009, contains extensive funding for projects with direct and indirect environmental ties — all of which can be covered from numerous angles of interest to your audience.

"Show Us The Data"

A new online project by two longstanding open-government groups allows people and groups to vote for the government information they would most like disclosed.

FOIA Requests in 120-Day Limbo — Or Are They?

In January 2009, President Obama reversed Bush administration policy and ordered most federal agencies to err on the side of disclosure when responding to FOIA requests. Why, then, are a number of agencies still operating under the old policies?
