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"Obama Urges Passage of Climate Bill"

"President Obama on Tuesday gave a full endorsement to energy and climate change legislation now pending before the House, calling it 'extraordinarily important.'"
Source: NYTimes, 06/24/2009

"House Aims for Friday Vote on Climate Bill"

"Democratic leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives hope to debate and pass a climate change bill on Friday, although negotiations were continuing with farm-state lawmakers who have concerns, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said on Tuesday."
Source: Reuters, 06/24/2009

Top-Notch Panel Named For $75,000 Grantham Prize



A prestigious group of journalists has been named to judge the newly established Grantham Prize, North America's largest journalism prize established to recognize reporting on the environment.

The Grantham Prize for Excellence in Reporting on the Environment will provide a $75,000 cash award each year to one journalist or a team of journalists in recognition of exemplary reporting on the environment.

Species-Protection Law Overhaul Sits In Senate



Congress is considering a rewrite of the nation's law overseeing the protection of imperiled plants and wildlife – in a move that could make sweeping changes to the Endangered Species Act for the first time since it was put into law over 30 years ago.

The House of Representatives has already passed its overhaul of the act, which would throw out many of the existing mandatory requirements in favor of voluntary measures.

SEJ Membership Eligibility Policies

Membership Eligibility Policies of the Society of Environmental Journalists

Approved by the SEJ board of directors 1/10/98, revised 7/18/98, rewritten 7/13/02, rewritten and approved 7/31/10, rewritten and approved Nov. 21, 2020.

I. Purpose and Principles

"Tracing Mercury's Transit to Coastal Environments"

On a global average, the amount of mercury falling out of the sky has tripled since the Industrial Revolution, primarily because of the burning of fossil fuels. Although this atmospheric deposition has long been considered the key vector for the widespread contamination of freshwater and coastal ecosystems, some scientists are focusing on another potential source: subterranean flows of terrestrial groundwater.
Source: ES&T, 06/23/2009

"The War Over Waxman-Markey"

"A long-awaited vote on the Waxman-Markey climate bill, expected this week or early next month, has environmentalists teetering at the edge of existential crisis. Some believe the bill is so deeply flawed it might actually make matters worse; disillusionment with the bill is causing fierce recriminations within the environmental movement and has led to a knockdown, drag-out fight within the Sierra Club."
Source: Mother Jones, 06/23/2009

"Ozone Solution Poses a Growing Climate Threat"

"A group of chemicals called hydrofluorocarbons, long hailed as a substitute for gases that can destroy the ozone layer, are now seen as a growing greenhouse threat given their outsize ability to warm the atmosphere."
Source: NYTimes, 06/23/2009
