"Agriculture officials have renewed their scrutiny of the world's best-selling pest-killer as they try to solve the mysterious collapse of the nation's hives."
E-mails obtained by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel show that the FDA relied on chemical industry lobbyists to examine bisphenol A's risks, track legislation to ban it and even monitor press coverage.
"The Obama administration has cleared more than three-dozen new mountaintop removal permits for issuance by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, drawing quick criticism from environmental groups"
President Obama picks Ignacia Moreno to be the nation's top environmental prosecutor at the Justice Department. Environmentalists criticize her background as corporate attorney for General Electric.
This AMA conference will feature presentations on the structure and evolution of tropical and extratropical cyclones; coastal and other thermally driven circulation systems; mountain waves and obstacle flows; and recent field research programs.
Topics include global change, renewable energy, water resources, forest management, biodiversity, agriculture, traditional knowledge and environmental justice.