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WV DEP Won't Expand Slurry Injection Moratorium

West Virginia's "Environmental Protection Secretary Randy Huffman said Wednesday his agency is continuing to allow coal slurry to be injected underground at 13 locations in West Virginia, despite being unable to tell lawmakers if the process is safe."
Source: Charleston Gazette, 06/18/2009

Enviros Slam Plan To Hunt Humpbacks

"Plans to resume the hunting of humpback whales, protected by a moratorium introduced more than 40 years ago, came under fire from environmentalists Tuesday."
Source: AFP, 06/18/2009

EPA Declares Health Emergency in Libby

"The Environmental Protection Agency yesterday declared its first-ever 'public health emergency,' saying the federal government will funnel $6 million to provide medical care for people sickened by asbestos from a mine in northwest Montana."
Source: Wash Post, 06/18/2009

Two Agencies Hide Neglect of Coal-Dam Safety with Secrecy

US EPA and Army Corps of Engineers say they "cannot make the list of 'high hazard' coal ash impoundment sites public," even though risk to communities exists -- like the December 2008 pond failure at the Kingston Fossil Plant in Tennessee.

"Pitching Diesels as an Eco-Friendly Option"

"If you’re thinking about buying a cleaner, more fuel-efficient car, you might think a hybrid is your best option. But some automakers want people to look at an older technology when they’re looking for green cars: the diesel engine."
Source: Environment Report, 06/17/2009

"EPA Targets Cement industry Emissions"

"The federal agency has proposed regulations that could cut mercury emissions 81% to 93% annually. Industry representatives warn the rules would increase costs and could lead to outsourcing."
Source: LA Times, 06/17/2009
