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"Estimate Places Natural Gas Reserves 35% Higher"

Estimated U.S. gas reserves have increased by 35 percent, according to a group of experts connected with the Colorado School of Mines -- although much of that increase would come from hydraulic fracturing of shale, a technique whose effects raise environmental concern.
Source: NYTimes, 06/19/2009

"Senate Panel Approves Wetlands Bill"

"Environmentalists praised Senate lawmakers on Thursday for approving legislation that more clearly defines which bodies of water are subject to federal regulation."
Source: Dow Jones, 06/19/2009

"Animal Kills by Federal Agency More Than Double"

"The number of animals poisoned, shot or snared by the U.S. Department of Agriculture more than doubled last year, and environmentalists who are critical of the killings are renewing their effort to cut the program's funding."
Source: AP, 06/18/2009

Mekong Damming a Major Blow

"The Mekong has long flowed freely, supporting one of the world’s great inland fisheries. But China is now building a series of dams on the 2,800-mile river that will restrict its natural flow and threaten the sustenance of tens of millions of Southeast Asians."
Source: YaleE360, 06/18/2009

US, EU Raise Efficiency Standards for Office Equipment

"The European Commission and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency agreed today to implement new higher energy-efficiency specifications for computers, copiers and printers under the EU-US Energy Star Programme."
Source: ENS, 06/18/2009
