Search results

"UNESCO Approves 13 New Biosphere Reserves for Enhanced Protection"

"Ethiopia and Zimbabwe have added their first biosphere reserves to the network of reserves created by the United Nations to halt the loss of biodiversity and promote sustainable development. One of the two new Ethiopian reserves protects the place of origin of the plant Caffea Arabica, believed to be the first species of coffee ever cultivated."

Source: ENS, 06/08/2010

"Close Senate Vote Seen On EPA Climate Powers"

"A vote in the U.S. Senate to stop the Environmental Protection Agency from going it alone in battling carbon dioxide emissions will fail this week without new last-minute support, according to congressional and private-sector sources."

Source: Reuters, 06/08/2010

"Rate of Oil Leak, Still Not Clear, Puts Doubt on BP"

"On Monday, BP said a cap was capturing 11,000 barrels of oil a day from the well. The official government estimate of the flow rate is 12,000 to 19,000 barrels a day, which means the new device should be capturing the bulk of the oil. But is it? With no consensus among experts on how much oil is pouring from the wellhead, it is difficult -- if not impossible -- to assess the containment cap’s effectiveness."

Source: NYTimes, 06/08/2010

BP Buys 'Oil' Search Terms to Redirect Web Users

"BP, the very company responsible for the oil spill that is already the worst in U.S. history, has purchased several phrases on search engines such as Google and Yahoo so that the first result that shows up directs information seekers to the company's official website."

Source: ABC News, 06/08/2010

"Pa. Halts Drilling by Company After Gas Accident"

"Pennsylvania regulators halted work Monday at dozens of unfinished natural gas wells being drilled by the company whose out-of-control well spewed out explosive gas and polluted water for 16 hours last week."

Source: AP, 06/08/2010

Texas Gas Pipeline Explosion Kills One

"A natural gas explosion in north Texas killed one member of a crew installing utility poles, and authorities were trying to figure out if the gas line had been marked before digging started."

Source: AP, 06/08/2010
