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Ingredients of Dispersants Used on Gulf Spill Are Secrets No More

"U.S. EPA has quietly released a full list of ingredients in the two controversial dispersants BP PLC is using to combat the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, following weeks of complaints from members of Congress and public health advocates that the dispersant manufacturer had kept its complete formula a secret from the public."

Source: NYTimes, 06/10/2010

"Efforts in Gulf to Limit Flow of Spill News"

"Journalists struggling to document the impact of the oil rig explosion have repeatedly found themselves turned away from public areas affected by the spill, and not only by BP and its contractors, but by local law enforcement, the Coast Guard and government officials."

Source: NYTimes, 06/10/2010

"Coast Guard Toughens Oversight of BP’s Effort"

"With oil  continuing to leak Wednesday from a runaway well in the Gulf of Mexico despite BP’s success in capturing some of the flow, a top Coast Guard official ordered the company to come up with a plan 'to ensure that the remaining oil and gas flowing can be recovered.'"

Source: NYTimes, 06/10/2010

"Red Tape Vexes Gulf Residents Seeking BP Payments"

"Fishermen, property owners and businesspeople who have filed damage claims with BP are angrily complaining of delays, excessive paperwork and skimpy payments that have put them on the verge of going under as the financial and environmental toll of the seven-week-old disaster grows."

Source: AP, 06/10/2010

"Estimate of Spilled Oil Goes Up, and BP Stock Price Goes Down"

"The stock price of BP plunged more than 15 percent Wednesday to a 14-year low as it became increasingly clear that the amount of oil spewing out of the Deepwater Horizon well is substantially greater than the company or the federal government initially estimated." BP stock opened down another 4 percent today.

Source: Wash Post, 06/10/2010

Gulf Spill Mapping, Infographic Roundup

As the Gulf oil spill continues to spread and become a growing concern to more parts of the US, these key tools will help you tell and illustrate the story.

"Amish Farming Draws Rare Government Scrutiny"

Amish farmers in Pennsylvania, whose plain living goes with a faith-based stewardship of the environment, are facing growing scrutiny for some practices the government says pollute streams.

Source: NYTimes, 06/09/2010
