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"Analysis Triples U.S. Plutonium Waste Figures"

"The amount of plutonium buried at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington State is nearly three times what the federal government previously reported, a new analysis indicates, suggesting that a cleanup to protect future generations will be far more challenging than planners had assumed."

Source: NYTimes, 07/12/2010

"Political Landmark For BPA Ban"

"When a [California] bill to ban a common plastic additive in feeding products for young children passed the Assembly on July 1, it marked a milestone in state legislative efforts to regulate bisphenol A."

Source: Contra Costa Times, 07/12/2010

"Joke: How Many D.O.E. Workers Does It Take to ..."

"The incandescent light bulb’s days are numbered. Under federal law, the 100-watt bulbs are supposed to be taken off the shelf next year, followed later by the more common 40- and 60-watt models. But guess who’s still using them? The Department of Energy."

Source: NYTimes, 07/09/2010

"EPA Declares L.A. River 'Traditional Navigable Waters'"

"U.S. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson on Wednesday declared the entire concrete-lined Los Angeles River channel 'traditional navigable waters,' a designation crucial to applying Clean Water Act protections throughout its 834-square-mile urban watershed."

Source: LA Times, 07/09/2010

"Obama Presses BP to Recover More Oil"

"With a weeklong window of favorable weather opening in the Gulf of Mexico, the Obama administration is pressing BP to move quickly on two operations that could double the amount of oil  captured from the gushing well."

Source: NYTimes, 07/09/2010
