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"Drought Ravages California’s Reservoirs Ahead Of Hot Summer"

"Each year Lake Oroville helps water a quarter of the nation’s crops, sustain endangered salmon beneath its massive earthen dam and anchor the tourism economy of a Northern California county that must rebuild seemingly every year after unrelenting wildfires."

Source: AP, 06/08/2021

Is Investor Activism Really Greening Corporate Policy?

Corporate boardrooms are increasingly arenas in the fight over the future of energy and the environment, making it vital for journalists to understand the players, their motivations and the potential impacts on business planning. The new Issue Backgrounder explores the implications of recent news around investment policy, explaining some of its origins and deciphering the shifting scrimmage ahead.

Forest Service Offers Mapping Database on Potential Wildfire Hazards

With a particularly dangerous wildfire season ahead, environmental journalists can better cover the heightened risk with a specialized U.S. Forest Service database. It predicts fire risk using a range of frequently updated variables like amount and condition of fuel, drought and topography, then maps it in high resolution with overlays of human structures and populations. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox has more on the database, and details how to make smart use of it.

DEADLINE: Sharon Begley Science Reporting Fellowship

The Knight Science Journalism Program, in partnership with health, science and medicine publication STAT, is taking applications until May 3, 2024 from early-career US journalists for this nine-month paid fellowship, which aims to diversify the ranks of science and health journalists and foster a more inclusive and comprehensive coverage of science.

Red Knots in Steepest Decline in Years, Threatening Species’ Survival

"The number of red knots visiting the Delaware Bay beaches during this spring’s northbound migration unexpectedly dropped to its lowest since tallies began almost 40 years ago, deepening concern about the shorebird’s survival and dealing a sharp setback to a quarter-century of efforts to save it."

Source: NYTimes, 06/07/2021

Conversion of Peatlands to Farming Big Factor in Climate Change: Study

"Long before the era of fossil fuels, humans may have triggered a massive but mysterious “carbon bomb” lurking beneath the Earth’s surface, a new scientific study suggests. If the finding is correct, it would mean that we have been neglecting a major human contribution to global warming — one whose legacy continues."

Source: Washington Post, 06/07/2021
