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71st Annual Gulf Coast Geoscience Convention

GeoGulf's 2021 theme is “Sustaining Geoscience through the Energy Transition.” Hosted by Bureau of Economic Geology at the University of Texas at Austin, the program will cover oil and gas, the energy transition, carbon storage, geothermal, environmental, water and more.

DEADLINE: IJNR Ocean and Climate Workshop Series – Northeastern U.S.

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources virtual workshop, Jul 7-8, 2021, will focus on the ocean and climate in the NE US. Designed to help journalists explore ocean issues that are underreported in popular media. Apply by June 21.

Job Opening: Climate Content Writer, is a global, online climate change school and community for professionals, seeking to transition 100 million people into climate work over the next 10 years. We are looking to hire an experienced climate content writer with strong science/technical writing experience to update and help revise our core “bootcamp” course, Climate Change: Learning for Action.

"Texas Governor Says Power Grid Fixed; Experts Cite Problems"

"Despite experts who say Texas’ power grid remains vulnerable, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott declared Tuesday that new reforms “fix all of the flaws” that caused February’s deadly winter blackout that left more than 4 million people without power in subfreezing weather."

Source: AP, 06/09/2021
