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Gavin Smith — 2021 Candidate for Associate Seat

Gavin Smith has had to withdraw from the race.


Dear SEJ Committee:

I am Gavin P. Smith, founder and editor/journalist for Civilian Exposure. I am seeking board membership for the Society of Environmental Journalists.

Postcard From Thermal: Surviving the Climate Gap in Coachella Valley

"The first thing to know about Thermal, California, is: It’s really damn hot. Already, at this early date in our planetary crisis, 139 days a year are over 95 degrees Fahrenheit in Thermal. Over the next 30 years, temperatures will rise 4 to 5 degrees more, and by the end of the century, more than half the year there will be hotter than 95 and nearly a quarter will be hotter than 112."

Source: ProPublica, 08/18/2021

S. Calif. Water Officials Declare Supply Alert Amid Worsening Drought

"Southern California’s powerful water agency on Tuesday issued a supply alert, calling on the region to conserve vital resources and prepare for continued drought — a move that brings the state’s largest population center closer to the tough water restrictions imposed on communities elsewhere."

Source: LA Times, 08/18/2021
