Search results

"Hydrogen Could Fuel U.S. Energy Transition. But Is It Safe?"

"Lynn Rigsbee was sitting on her couch on a Tuesday morning last year when an explosion knocked her to the floor. The blast came from a hydrogen plant a few hundred feet from her house in Long View, N.C., northwest of Charlotte. It broke doors loose from deadbolts, shattered windows and blasted a hole through her roof."

Source: E&E News, 08/20/2021

"Hurricane Prep Advice In 2021: Get Vaccinated"

"During the first hurricane season of the coronavirus pandemic, emergency officials warned residents in low-lying coastal areas to pack masks in their evacuation bags. This year, they’re urging everyone to be vaccinated."

Source: E&E News, 08/19/2021

"Haiti Earthquake Survivors, Stranded By Storm, Search For Shelter"

"Survivors of the powerful earthquake that shook Haiti scrambled for shelter, food and medical supplies Wednesday as officials acknowledged that the deadly temblor had disrupted vaccination efforts. The aftermath of Tropical Storm Grace continued to snarl already feeble relief efforts, worsening a dire humanitarian crisis and fueling anger."

Source: Washington Post, 08/19/2021

"Minnesota Issues Plan To Treat Water Marred By 3M Chemicals"

"Minnesota pollution control and natural resources officials on Wednesday released a $700 million plan to improve the drinking water for 14 Twin Cities communities whose groundwater was contaminated due to decadeslong chemical disposal by 3M Co."

Source: AP, 08/19/2021
