"Libya Warns of Disaster If 'Great Man-Made River' Hit"
"Libya warned on Sunday that NATO-led air strikes could cause a 'human and environmental disaster' if they damaged the country's massive Great Man-Made River (GMMR) project."
"Libya warned on Sunday that NATO-led air strikes could cause a 'human and environmental disaster' if they damaged the country's massive Great Man-Made River (GMMR) project."
"The Government Accountability Office is preparing to issue a report that rebukes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for saying in 2004 that elevated levels of lead in the District’s tap water did not pose a public health threat and for failing to quickly clarify its findings as complaints mounted."
Get your flood resources here, from the National Weather Service's National Hydrologic Assessment, FEMA's "Flood Hazard" webpage and Flood Insurance Rate Maps, to the National Flood Insurance Program's "Media Resources" site, NOAA's "Floods Monitor", USGS' "WaterWatch," advice from the CDC, and more.
"With birds chirping and temperatures warming , spring is finally in the air. But for University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) environmental chemist Torsten Meyer, springtime has a dark side."
"A Naval training exercise that included an underwater blast off San Diego's coast has been linked to at least three dolphin deaths earlier this month, prompting a probe into whether the military violated the federal law that protects marine mammals."
"It has killed millions of fish and hundreds of dolphins and manatees. It has ruined countless Florida beach vacations. And it has left people with respiratory problems gasping for air. Yet until now, how Red Tide's poisons worked remained something of a mystery."
Minnesota's Pollution Control Agency is trying to address the impact of dissolved chlorides in Twin Cities lakes -- road salt harming aquatic life. It may require changes in what it means to be a good neighbor in the snowy state.
"Africa's cities are growing at a faster rate than anywhere else in the world, stressing drinking water supplies and sanitation services, says a new UN report released to mark World Water Day 2011."
"A spike in radiation levels in Tokyo tap water spurred new fears about food safety Wednesday as rising black smoke forced another evacuation of workers trying to stabilize Japan's radiation-leaking nuclear plant."