Water & Oceans

"Researchers Find Deadly Amoeba in Tap Water"

"If you’re worried about picking up an infectious disease this summer, you may be fretting about catching West Nile disease from a mosquito, H3N2v influenza from a pig, or salmonella from a cantaloupe.  But for those who like to dabble in pure medical horror, there’s little scarier to ponder than a brain-eating amoeba lurking in your tap water."

Source: LA Times, 08/24/2012
September 14, 2012 to September 15, 2012

State of the Gulf Fisheries Symposium

The mission of the symposium is to inform and share knowledge among stakeholders so that everyone can move forward with a unified mission of a sustainable and healthy fishery in the Gulf of Mexico.


"With Drillship En Route, Shell Awaits End of Beaufort Whale Hunt"

"After investing billions of dollars and navigating a gantlet of legal and regulatory hurdles in its seven-year quest to explore for Arctic oil, Royal Dutch Shell PLC could face additional delays as it awaits the end of whale hunting season in the Beaufort Sea."

Source: Greenwire, 08/23/2012

"Shell Races the Ice in Alaska"

"Royal Dutch Shell is spending billions of dollars to drill the first oil wells in U.S. Arctic waters in 20 years, backed by an Obama administration eager to show it wasn't opposed to offshore exploration. But the closely watched project isn't going the way the company or the government hoped—illustrating the continuing challenge of plumbing for natural riches in one of the world's most unforgiving locations."

Source: Wall St. Journal, 08/20/2012

"Clean Water Act’s Anti-Pollution Goals Prove Elusive"

"Beside Seattle’s notoriously polluted Duwamish River, an excavator scoops up small pieces of waste metal and slings them onto a rusty mountain at Seattle Iron & Metals Corp. A pile of flattened cars and trucks squats nearby amid vast sheets of scrap metal. For at least the last four years, this auto-shredder and metal recycler has dumped more pollutants into the river than allowed under the federal Clean Water Act, government records show. The levels have ranged higher than 250 times above what’s known to harm salmon that migrate through the river."


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