Water & Oceans

"Shell Canada Gets Green Light To Drill for Oil Off Nova Scotia Coast"

"The Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board has authorized a Shell Canada Ltd. drilling plan in the Shelburne Basin that allows the company between 12 and 13 days to contain subsea blowouts, but one environmental group is concerned the capping stack won't be housed here."

Source: CBC News, 10/22/2015
November 5, 2015

Overview of the New Waters of the United States Rule​

This free webinar, 12-1pm ET, will provide an overview of the stayed new rule with illustrations of which waters would be jurisdictional under the rule and which waters would not be; an update on the litigation; and a review of how to determine if waters are jurisdictional under the existing rules that will remain in effect until the new rule litigation is completed.

November 18, 2015 to November 20, 2015

Greenbuild International Summit

At the 2015 International Summit, representatives from over 80 nations will come together to discuss common challenges. We see our ideas as valuable, applicable, replicable and worth sharing.  This year, the Summit is the place where we connect the dots between climate change, finance, policy, industry, resource security, practice and innovation.

December 4, 2023

DEADLINE: GRID-Arendal Investigative Environmental Journalism Grants

GRID-Arendal (a UNEP partner) is offering six grants of NOK 20,000 (~US$1800) for experienced environmental investigative journalists, staff or freelance, working globally on the issues of organized environmental crime in developing countries. Apply by Dec 4, 2023.



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