Water & Oceans

"Groundwater Depletion Adding To Global Sea-Level Rise"

"Increasing amounts of water are being depleted from the world’s aquifers, and scientists have estimated that a large portion of the water ends up flowing into the oceans. So much groundwater is being pumped from wells that researchers say it is contributing significantly to global sea-level rise."

Source: Palm Springs Desert Sun, 12/24/2015

Gold Vs. Salmon: Fish Advocates And Miners Face Off In Rural Washington

"Blewett Pass, Washington -- Outdoorsmen emerge from their tents and truck beds in the early morning light. After a big breakfast they ready dry suits, diving masks, air hoses and a contraption that looks like a small pontoon boat."

Source: KCTS/OPB, 12/23/2015

SEJ's 26th Annual Conference, Sacramento, CA, Sept. 21-25, 2016

Environmental Journalism 2016 took us to California, the Land of Extremes and Home of Big Dreams, hosted by Capital Public Radio and UC Davis. Multimedia coverage is posted here. See the agenda and speaker bios.



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