Water & Oceans

"Navy: Drinking Water Contaminated At Fentress In Chesapeake"

"CHESAPEAKE, Va. -- High levels of contaminants from a firefighting foam that was used for decades at Fentress Naval Auxiliary Landing Field were found in its well water during a recent laboratory test, leading Navy officials Wednesday to tell workers to drink only bottled water until a permanent solution is available."

Source: Norfolk Virginian-Pilot, 01/22/2016

Dominion Plants To Drain Coal Ash Ponds Soon, And Lawsuits Likely"

"Dominion Virginia Power could begin draining two coal-ash ponds into Chesapeake Bay tributaries any day now, following a state board’s approval last week. But officials from the power company say it will be months, not weeks, before designs for treating and dewatering the ponds will be completed."

Source: Bay Journal, 01/22/2016

"Presidential Candidates Will Face Drilling Questions In S.C. Primary"

"The looming possibility of offshore drilling just 50 miles from South Carolina’s coastline could find more than one presidential candidate looking out of their depth as the state’s February primaries approach."

Source: McClatchy, 01/22/2016

"Gov. Rick Snyder Releases Emails Related To Flint Water Crisis"

"Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) on Wednesday released a trove of emails related to the Flint water crisis, something Snyder promised during his State of the State address."

Source: Huffington Post, 01/21/2016

Colorado River Portal Offers Data Tool for Environmental Journalists

Water may be for fighting over, but water data is worth cheering about. A new Interior Department data portal may help journalists cover the ever-critical issue of water shortage and surplus in the Colorado River basin and nationwide.

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Topics on the Beat: 

Flint Water Debacle Raises Freedom-of-Information Issues

If the water coming from your tap is unfit to drink, you have a right to know. But the crisis in Flint, Michigan, is challenging that assumption. Meanwhile, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (pictured) apologized to the residents of Flint, and "pledged to promptly release his emails about the issue," according to the New York Times.

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"New Study Identifies Acoustic Sanctuaries For Marine Mammals"

"Ocean noise pollution caused by shipping, oil and gas development, and other human activities interfere with the ability of marine mammals to detect prey and communicate with one another. Yet some areas of the ocean remain refuges of quiet. Scientists hope these acoustic sanctuaries will be protected."

Source: Mongabay, 01/20/2016


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