Water & Oceans

"Native Americans of Grand Bayou Seeking Help To Remain In Homeland"

"Like many Louisiana coastal residents, the Native Americans of Grand Bayou village have seen the landscape surrounding their community collapse over the past 50 years. The lush, freshwater wetlands and high ground that sustained them for centuries is now a ragged patchwork of crumbling salt marshes and expanding lagoons."

Source: New Orleans Lens, 12/29/2016

Finding the Stories Beneath the Snow and Ice

Drought, flooding, water pollution, road conditions, shipping, climate change, even recreational activities like skiing, skating and ice-fishing — these are all potential stories around the white stuff, some with big environmental consequences. This week's TipSheet offers resources for local coverage of ice and snow.

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"EPA Turns Away from CAFO Water Pollution"

"Federal inspections of cattle and hog feedlots, turkey houses, and other animal feeding operations dropped for a fourth consecutive year, according to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency data. The number of fines and orders to change management practices for those same facilities fell for a fifth consecutive year."

Source: Circle of Blue, 12/23/2016


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