Water & Oceans

"Water Pollution: Ruling Would Exempt Dams From Standards — Greens"

"Environmental groups yesterday asked a federal appeals court to reconsider a ruling that struck down part of a high-profile removal plan for four dams in California and Oregon, saying it set a precedent that would exempt dozens of dams nationwide from meeting water quality standards."

Source: Greenwire, 03/13/2019

Doc on Rare Porpoise Wins Sundance Award

An environmental documentary that follows a risk-laden effort to save a rare and elusive porpoise won over audiences at the recent Sundance Film Festival. Correspondent JoAnn Valenti takes a look at the film, along with other documentaries that explore the role of journalists and journalism. 

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Can States Divvy Up the Shrinking Colorado River Water Supply?

The vast Colorado River, recently in the news over a troubled drought deal, is at the heart of numerous environmental problems in the American West, where water is scarce and the legal complexities of water rights voluminous. The latest Issue Backgrounder offers an explainer on the story, which involves at least seven states, the federal government, Native American tribes, a hornet’s nest of irrigation districts and even Mexico.

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New Coal Ash Data Help Pinpoint Local Pollution Stories

Hundreds of coal ash ponds and landfills around the United States pollute drinking water supplies, and now a newly released report helps localize the problem for environmental reporters. This week’s TipSheet explores the new data source, provides the back story on coal ash regulation (or lack thereof) and the potential health risks, while offering numerous questions to ask and resources to track down.

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"Trump Seeks Cuts For Cleanup Of Great Lakes, Other Waterways"

"President Donald Trump is making another attempt to slash federal funding that goes toward cleaning up major U.S. waterways including the Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay, even though Congress has thwarted his previous attempts, according to budget documents released Monday."

Source: AP, 03/12/2019
May 1, 2020

DEADLINE: Institute for Environmental Journalism Summer 2020

The Pulitzer Prize-winning news organization InsideClimate News' summer journalism program is for high school students and recent grads to explore the nation's most pressing environmental concerns, Jul 5-17, 2020, through ambitious journalism immersed in the rugged coast of Maine at the College of the Atlantic. Scholarships available. Deadline: May 1.

April 23, 2019

Energy, Salmon, Agriculture & Community: Can We Come Together?

The Andrus Center for Public Policy at Boise State University is convening this one-day event to support current discussions with leaders and groups from Oregon, Washington, Montana and Idaho regarding a long-term plan to address energy, salmon, water, agriculture, and community needs.



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