Water & Oceans

"In an Era of Extreme Weather, Concerns Grow Over Dam Safety"

"Many of the United States’ 91,000 dams are aging and sorely in need of repairs that could collectively cost tens of billions of dollars. Experts are increasingly worried that as extreme precipitation events increase, dams are at greater risk of failure, threatening lives and posing environmental risks."

Source: YaleE360, 07/11/2019

Washington Floods Expose Double Threat: Old Drains and Climate Change

"WASHINGTON — When almost a month’s worth of rain deluged this city on Monday morning, turning streets into rivers and basements into wading pools, it showed just how vulnerable cities with aging water systems can be in the era of climate change."

Source: NY Times, 07/11/2019

Scientists Collect Healthy Corals For Gene Bank As Disease Ruins Reefs

"A rescue mission to save Florida corals from a mysterious disease that’s devastating local reefs arrived in Miami on Friday with 400 specimens that may be used as a gene bank to potentially breed new colonies and repopulate reefs in the future."

Source: Florida Keys News, 07/08/2019

"Experts Warn Of ‘Dead Zone’ In Chesapeake Bay From Pollution"

"When the Conowingo Dam opened to fanfare nearly a century ago, the massive wall of concrete and steel began its job of harnessing water power in northern Maryland. It also quietly provided a side benefit: trapping sediment and silt before it could flow miles downstream and pollute the Chesapeake Bay, the nation’s largest estuary."

Source: AP, 07/08/2019


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