"Can The Long-Lost Abalone Make A Comeback In California?"
"Hunched over a tank inside the Bodega Marine Laboratory, alongside bubbling vats of seaweed and greenhouses filled with algae, Kristin Aquilino coaxed a baby white abalone onto her hand."
"Hunched over a tank inside the Bodega Marine Laboratory, alongside bubbling vats of seaweed and greenhouses filled with algae, Kristin Aquilino coaxed a baby white abalone onto her hand."
"The Interior Department is proposing to award one of the first contracts for federal water in perpetuity to a powerful rural water district that had employed Secretary David Bernhardt as a lawyer and lobbyist."
"Lost and abandoned fishing gear which is deadly to marine life makes up the majority of large plastic pollution in the oceans, according to a report by Greenpeace."
"Attorneys arguing before the Supreme Court today attempted to turn water into whiskey. The justices searched for a standard of controlling pollution that travels through groundwater that would block regulated entities from evading the Clean Water Act while avoiding a significant expansion of the statute's federal permitting requirements."
A little-known disease caused by mycobacteria seems to be causing a decline of striped bass in the Chesapeake Bay.
"The Senate is prepared to walk away from provisions of a defense policy bill that would compel the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate a cancer-linked chemical that is leaching into the water supply, Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) told reporters Tuesday."
"After months of wrangling between local officials over whether to settle the case, justices for the nation's highest court are poised to hear arguments tomorrow [Wednesday] in County of Maui v. Hawai'i Wildlife Fund, a heated debate over the scope of the Clean Water Act."
"Hundreds of thousands of Canadians have been unwittingly exposed to high levels of lead in their drinking water, with contamination in several cities consistently higher than they ever were in Flint, Michigan, according to an investigation that tested drinking water in hundreds of homes and reviewed thousands more previously undisclosed results."
Illness, injury, death. Those are the worsening health impacts of climate change, as global warming shifts disease vectors, encourages bacteria and foodborne illness, and leaves people increasingly suffering from heat, smog, smoke, allergies and other risks of extreme weather. Our latest TipSheet helps you get a handle on the sprawling health-climate story.
"Business and industry representatives appointed to a controversial regulatory oversight board by former Republican Gov. Rick Snyder helped temporarily slow down advancing drinking water standards that would limit allowable levels of toxic fluorochemicals called PFAS in Michigan drinking water if enacted."