Water & Oceans

"Cities Widely Ignore Federal Flood Protection Rules, With Few Penalties"

"It’s a simple rule, designed to protect both homeowners and taxpayers: If you want publicly subsidized flood insurance, you can’t build a home that’s likely to flood. But local governments around the country, which are responsible for enforcing the rule, have flouted the requirements, accounting for as many as a quarter-million insurance policies in violation, according to data provided to The New York Times by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which runs the flood insurance program."

Source: NY Times, 04/10/2020

"Great Barrier Reef Is Bleaching Again. It’s Getting More Widespread."

"New data shows example after example of overheating and damage along the 1,500-mile natural wonder."

"SYDNEY, Australia — When Terry Hughes surveyed the Great Barrier Reef four years ago from a small plane, mapping the bleaching and death of corals from water warmed by climate change, he hoped such a rare and heartbreaking scene would not be repeated anytime soon.

Source: NY Times, 04/07/2020

Colorado State Univ. Team Predicts Above-Normal 2020 Hurricane Season

"Sixteen named storms, including eight hurricanes, are forecast for the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season, according to early predictions released Thursday by experts at Colorado State University.

Four of the hurricanes will become major storms of Category 3 to 5, with sustained winds of at least 111 mph, the projections indicate for the season that runs from June 1 to November 30.

Source: CNN, 04/03/2020


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