Water & Oceans

"US Government Toughens Rules On Chemicals Used To Break Up Oil Slicks"

"The Environmental Protection Agency has announced more stringent rules governing offshore oil spill response, amid continuing concerns about the effects on public health and wildlife from chemical disasters, including BP’s Deepwater Horizon explosion in 2010."

Source: Guardian, 06/16/2023

"How Arizona Stands Between Tribes and Their Water"

"As it negotiates water rights with tribes, Arizona goes to unique lengths to extract concessions that limit tribes’ opportunities for growth and economic development, according to a ProPublica and High Country News investigation."

Source: ProPublica/HCN, 06/15/2023

"Beyond the Yuck Factor: Cities Turn to ‘Extreme’ Water Recycling"

"San Francisco is at the forefront of a movement to recycle wastewater from commercial buildings, homes, and neighborhoods and use it for toilets and landscaping. This decentralized approach, proponents say, will drive down demand in an era of increasing water scarcity."

Source: YaleE360, 06/14/2023

"Europe's Biggest Nuclear Plant - At Centre Of A War Zone And Dam Breach"

"A disastrous breach in Ukraine's huge Kakhovka dam has further stoked alarm over the safety of the nearby Russian-controlled Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which has for months been a target of shelling due to its proximity to military front lines."

Source: Reuters, 06/14/2023

The Seven Stages of Beach Exploitation (and Restoration)

When most people think of coastal tourist destinations, they imagine beaches lined by palm trees and exclusive resorts. But those are exactly the kind of realities that contribute to the environmental and economic decline of coastal communities and their local residents, argues a new book. Contributing Editor Jenny Weeks has our review in the new BookShelf.

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