EPA Proposes Fuel Efficiency Standards for Heavy Trucks, Buses
The standards, now in a 60-day comment period, cover three types of heavy trucks but would not apply to vehicles built before the 2014 model year.
The standards, now in a 60-day comment period, cover three types of heavy trucks but would not apply to vehicles built before the 2014 model year.
Some involved new fees, taxes, or bonds, while others didn't dip into voters' wallets. Get a thumbnail sketch of each measure, and its fate at the hands of voters
As newly minted GOP governors vow to reject billions stimulus money going to their states for high-speed rail, the incoming chair of the House Transportation Committee envisions redirecting the money to the Eastern rail corridor that brings tourists to his state.
"Republicans running for governor in a handful of states could block, or significantly delay, one of President Obama’s signature initiatives: his plan to expand the passenger rail system and to develop the nation’s first bullet-train service."
Salt and other substances used to make roads and other paved surfaces safer contaminate water ways with deadly toxicity levels that can even last till summer in some areas, according to a USGS study.
Cyclists thrive where autos rule: Los Angeles, where smog and freeway have hitherto defined a lifestyle.
"The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has a 'critical responsibility' to the flying public to develop environmentally responsible solutions to the nation's most pressing aviation problems, NASA Administrator Charles F. Bolden Jr. said Wednesday."
"If the Chevy Volt's $40,000 price tag sounds a bit too steep, you could always go the do-it-yourself route of Oregon teenager Ashton Stark. He just finished a yearlong conversion of his grandfather's 1972 Volkswagen Super Beetle into an electric car."
"Each year, around a half a million people go whitewater rafting in Colorado, and the industry is a key economic driver in many rural towns. But in recent months, the issue of rafting and who can float through stretches of private property has divided the state."