
Supercomputers, Models, and 40 Years of World Climate Research

"The world’s ability to adapt to climate change is on the agenda as the venerable international climate research program charts its next decade."

"CHEYENNE, Wyoming — On the western rim of the Great Plains, a futuristic building looks out of place on the treeless range. The NCAR-Wyoming Supercomputing Center is indeed remote, two continents away from the weather forecasts it produces each day for Antarctica and millions of miles from the space weather it tracks.

And yet, it is surprisingly connected to the rapidly evolving story of Earth's changing climate.

Source: InsideClimate News, 12/09/2019

Soiled Skies Incite ‘Choked’ Author To Pursue Air Pollution Story 

The data on dirty air is devastating. But it wasn’t just the numbers that prompted freelance journalist Beth Gardiner to chase the story of worsening air pollution around the globe. It was also the impact on human lives and the intersection with politics, power and money. She explains in our latest feature story. Plus, resources for your own reporting.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Supreme Court Weighs Lawsuit Pitting Climate Scientist Against Skeptics

"The Supreme Court on Friday will consider whether to take up a prominent climatologist's defamation suit against a venerated conservative magazine, in a case that pits climate scientists against the free speech rights of global warming skeptics."

Source: The Hill, 11/22/2019

‘Red List’ Is Among Top Data Resources on Threatened Species

When it comes to rare species, good news can be equally rare. But that makes their stories all the more compelling to tell. And that’s why our latest Reporter’s Toolbox details a leading database, soon to be updated, called Red List. Plus, other species databases for reporters.

SEJ Publication Types: 

AAAS Reverses Suspension Of Award For Glyphosate Research After Review

"Science prevailing over politics: That’s how a researcher who was snubbed for a high-profile award earlier this year has characterized the decision to finally recognize his achievements in highlighting a deadly public health problem in rural Sri Lanka."

Source: Mongabay, 11/19/2019

"EPA Delays Advisers' Review Of 'Secret Science' Rules"

"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has repeatedly rescheduled and delayed a meeting of an advisory board slated to review a controversial proposal that would block the agency from considering studies that don’t make their underlying data public. ... Critics suspect the delays are a stall tactic allowing the agency to finalize the rule without the public hearing criticism leveled by its own internal board."

Source: The Hill, 11/19/2019


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