
The Year Nature Became Mainstream Medicine

An unusual student journalist, moonlighting in between his Ph.D. training as a clinical psychologist, turned an interest in the ways nature can heal into an award-winning story for a prominent magazine, and in the process helped prompt skyrocketing interest among mainstream physicians in “prescribing nature.” Aaron Reuben shares his experience in the new EJ Academy.

SEJ Publication Types: 
June 6, 2021

Knight Science Journalism at MIT Project Fellowships

This remote KSJ program offers a range of support to working U.S. journalists for independently conceived projects. Fellowships will be awarded for varying durations over the course of the academic year, beginning in Sep 2021 and ending in May 2022. Deadline is Jun 6.

Topics on the Beat: 
June 3, 2021

Barriers in Science Communications for Black and People of Colour

Science Writers and Communicators of Canada hosts this online panel discussion at Noon ET, moderated by genomics researcher and science communicator Farah Qaiser (pictured), to illuminate the challenges and barriers — and hopes for dismantling them — faced by Black and People of Colour science communicators in Canada.


New Arctic Council Reports Underline Growing Concerns At Air Pollution

"The Arctic is now warming three times as fast as the global average, and faces an ongoing barrage of dangerous climate and environmental pollutants, Arctic Council experts warned at the start of their meetings in Reykjavik, Iceland this week. Black carbon, or soot, remains high on the list of concerns because of its negative effect on human health and because it accelerates the Arctic meltdown by darkening snow."

Source: Inside Climate News, 05/21/2021

"U.S. Has Entered Unprecedented Climate Territory, EPA Warns"

"For years, President Donald Trump and his deputies played down the impact of greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels and delayed the release of an Environmental Protection Agency report detailing climate-related damage. But on Wednesday, the EPA released a detailed and disturbing account of the startling changes that Earth’s warming had on parts of the United States during Trump’s presidency."

Source: Washington Post, 05/13/2021
May 24, 2021 to June 15, 2021

2021 National Pesticide Forum: Cultivating Healthy Communities

Presented by Beyond Pesticides and The Institute for Exposomic Research/Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai, the virtual 2021 Forum takes place 6:00-7:30 p.m. ET on May 24, and 1:00-5:30 p.m. ET on June 1, 8 and 15, to discuss confronting health threats, climate disasters and biodiversity collapse with a toxic-free future.


Chemicals: Biden's 'End Cancer' Pledge Begs For Environmental Oversight

"President Biden pledged last week to 'end cancer as we know it,' a bold promise focused on boosting funding to the National Institutes of Health for a special Advanced Research Projects Agency-Health. ... But public health experts who have spent their careers examining environmental causes of cancer say it may not be possible to truly stop cancer without EPA stepping in."

Source: E&E News, 05/05/2021


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