
Tracking the Big Climate Bills — An Infrastructure/Reconciliation Breakdown

During the next two weeks, expect a rush of Congressional activity as both chambers attempt to set details that will constitute what some see as possibly the most important climate legislation in years. TipSheet helps you keep track of the action, first setting the stage on two massive measures, and then providing resources to track more than half-a-dozen House committees.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Ruth Etzel Speaks Out Ahead of EPA Whistleblower Hearing"

"The US Environmental Protection Agency is failing to protect children by ignoring poisons in the environment and focusing on corporate interests, according to a top children’s health official who will testify this week that the agency tried to silence her because of her insistence on stronger preventions against lead poisoning."

Source: Guardian, 09/13/2021
September 15, 2021

Countdown to COP26: What’s at Stake?

To help news coverage convey what’s at stake with the upcoming UN climate summit (COP26), Covering Climate Now and Climate Central are holding a series of briefings, for journalists only. The first briefing will provide background on the most relevant science, politics, justice and solutions issues. Noon-1:00 p.m. ET.

March 23, 2022 to March 25, 2022


SCIENCE TALK '22 is being planned as a hybrid conference, in-person and online, to take place in Portland, Oregon. The theme is Making Connections - The Many Arms of Science Communication.

Topics on the Beat: 

Fossil Fuel Industry Pitches Carbon Capture As Climate Cure. But Is It?

Carbon capture and storage technology has been around for years, but is being repositioned as a way to continue using fossil fuels in the face of climate change. Backgrounder takes a close look at how it works, its history and its politics. But even as the technology is taken up by Congress, the question is: Does the math add up?

SEJ Publication Types: 

EPA Falsifying Risk Assessments For Dangerous Chemicals: Whistleblowers

"Whistleblowers say the US Environmental Protection Agency has been falsifying dangerous new chemicals’ risk assessments in an effort to make the compounds appear safe and quickly approve them for commercial use."

Source: Guardian, 08/31/2021


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