NIH Finishes Moving Its Former Research Chimps To A Sanctuary
"For two chimpanzees named Huey and Pancake, both in their mid-30s, this week has been unexpectedly dramatic."
"For two chimpanzees named Huey and Pancake, both in their mid-30s, this week has been unexpectedly dramatic."
"The researchers studied more than 15 million Medicare beneficiaries living in all major fracking regions and gathered data from more than 2.5 million oil and gas wells."
"The explosion probably won’t cool the planet as some previous eruptions have done, but it could affect weather in the short term."
"For Chuck McGinley, an engineer who devised the go-to instrument for measuring odors, helping people understand what they smell is serious science."
"The White House today [Tuesday] released a wide-ranging plan to strengthen the work of government scientists and protect them from political meddling."
When Colorado-based freelance journalist Jennifer Oldham suited up in protective gear to investigate if commercial honeybee hives on public lands impact native bee populations, as well as to meet with federal scientists and visit a bee study site, it was a Fund for Environmental Journalism grant that helped her do it. Oldham shares her experience and advice in the latest FEJ StoryLog.
"From a distance, the canids of Galveston Island, Texas, look almost like coyotes, prowling around the beach at night, eyes gleaming in the dark. But look closer and oddities appear."
"Richard Leakey, the world-renowned paleoanthropologist-turned-conservationist, has died at 77."
"Edward O. Wilson, a biologist and author who conducted pioneering work on biodiversity, insects and human nature — and won two Pulitzer Prizes along the way — died on Sunday in Burlington, Mass. He was 92."
"Thomas E. Lovejoy III, an ecologist who dedicated his career to preserving the Amazon rainforest and educating Washington policymakers and the public about the dangers of climate change, died Dec. 25 at his home in McLean, Va. He was 80."