"Professor McCarver's 'Baseball Bat' Theory of Climate Change"
"A Fox TV commentator, midgame, links global warming to home runs, and fans on all sides of the climate debate call foul."
"A Fox TV commentator, midgame, links global warming to home runs, and fans on all sides of the climate debate call foul."
CAMEL is a free, comprehensive, interdisciplinary, multimedia resource with over 200 topic areas for educators who wish to teach, create and share curricular resources on climate change. Register for weekly webinars on specific topics or view recordings of past webinars. Funded by NSF.
"Forecast the Facts, the activist group that first confronted GM about its support of climate change doubters the Heartland Institute, now plans to muster a public campaign targeting the Discovery Channel. The purpose: to get Discovery to acknowledge the scientific consensus on man-made climate change in its programming."
"The Interior Department's inspector general appears likely to join the growing scrutiny over whether the National Park Service falsified data in an environmental review of a California oyster farm."
A star-studded cast of experts spent two days discussing "Science Writing in the Age of Denial" at the University of Wisconsin April 23-24. Most who attended praised it. Unable to argue the science, science deniers advanced their arguments by trying to silence the conference Twitterfeed with a denial-of-service attack, according to the Knight Science Journalism Tracker.
"Hockey sticks and brawls aren't just for NHL playoff games. Climate scientist Michael Mann has the scars to prove it. But along the way he has picked up some fans as well."
"The world's ice sheets serve as cold-storage for creatures the Earth hasn't seen in eons. Scientists don't expect another Contagion or Andromeda Strain, but the release of unknown life forms does pose new concerns about effects of global warming."
"Two billion years ago, around the time atmospheric oxygen levels were rising, one cell engulfed another, and instead of becoming lunch, the ingestee became an Earth-changer and, eventually, a vital part of you: mitochondria."