
September 30, 2012 to October 5, 2012

EcoSummit 2012 - Ecological Sustainability

EcoSummit 2012 will bring together the world's most respected minds in ecological science to discuss restoring the planet's ecosystems.


"Frack-Friendly New Report Debunked"

"Earlier this month, the State University of New York at Buffalo released a report concluding that fracking is getting safer, as both industry and regulators are doing a better job. The study got plenty of coverage--the Associated Press, Forbes, WGRZ, Buffalo News--but in the week since it was released, it's been attacked for a number of flaws."

Source: Mother Jones, 05/25/2012

"Heartland Reflects on Its Beating"

"The ultra-conservative group's climate conference showed how far it has fallen after an internet sting and a disastrous ad."

"It was an odd choice of icon for the ultra-conservative Heartland Institute. But there he was in round glasses, beard, and halo of curls staring out from T-shirts and coffee mugs at their gathering of climate change contrarians this week, the scientist whose internet sting set Heartland on its current course of collapse.

Source: Guardian, 05/23/2012

SEJ Member Spotlight: Wendee Holtcamp

Houston-based freelance writer and photographer Wendee Holtcamp has covered conservation, adventure travel, environmental issues and science for magazines and websites since 1997. She offers an online writing class, teaching aspiring and established writers everything from improving one's writing through observation journaling to crafting killer queries to the business end of building a successful and lucrative freelance career. Next class starts June 2.



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