
April 3, 2024 to April 12, 2024

Science Talk ’24

The Association of Science Communicators' 2024 annual conference takes place in person April 11-12, 2024 in Portland, OR and virtually everywhere April 3-12. The theme is "Opening Doors."

Topics on the Beat: 

Reporter Unravels Complex Dynamic Between Climate Change and Nature

Nature-based climate solutions have become a much-talked-of topic, one that journalist Gabriel Popkin turned into a loose beat through which to explore the complicated realities beyond some easy narratives. The resulting stories were published widely to high praise, and in the latest Inside Story Q&A, Popkin spoke about his efforts and offered up five critical factors for producing original, impactful journalism.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Ohio Fails to Pass Restrictions on College Teaching About Climate Policies"

"Ohio lawmakers have failed, at least for now, to pass a bill that would exert control over discussion of “controversial beliefs” about climate policies in college classrooms."

Source: Inside Climate News, 12/04/2023

Cop28 President Says There Is ‘No Science’ Behind Demands For Fossil Phase-Out

"The president of Cop28, Sultan Al Jaber, has claimed there is “no science” indicating that a phase-out of fossil fuels is needed to restrict global heating to 1.5C, the Guardian and the Centre for Climate Reporting can reveal."

Source: Guardian, 12/04/2023

"Disinformation Is One of Climate Summit’s Biggest Challenges"

"As the world’s leaders gather this week at a major summit to discuss ways to address the effects of global warming, one of the greatest obstacles they face is disinformation." "Online influencers, fossil fuel companies and some of the countries attending COP28 have nourished a feedback loop of falsehoods."

Source: NYTimes, 12/01/2023

What Francis' Latest Climate Text Means for Upcoming UN Summit

Pope Francis’ planned history-making trip to the latest global climate conference has been thwarted by illness. But his passionate advocacy for the environment still will be felt through his hot-off-the-press apostolic exhortation about the climate crisis. National Catholic Reporter’s environment correspondent Brian Roewe unpacks the pope’s new eco-document and explains how it relates to international climate diplomacy at and beyond Dubai.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Between the Lines — Author Explores Experience of Living Through Climate Change

To make climate change less abstract and more direct, writer Madeline Ostrander traveled the country to speak to those living with its impacts in the places they call home. In a BookShelf “Between the Lines” Q&A, Ostrander discusses her resulting book, “At Home on an Unruly Planet: Finding Refuge on a Changed Earth,” and addresses the lenses she used, the characters she portrayed and the surprises she encountered.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Mucus-Covered Jellyfish Hint at Dangers of Deep-Sea Mining"

"A treasure trove of metal is hiding at the bottom of the ocean. Potato-size nodules of iron and manganese litter the seafloor, and metal-rich crusts cover underwater mountains and chimneys along hydrothermal vents. Deep-sea mining companies have set their sights on these minerals, aiming to use them in batteries and electronics. Environmentalists warn that the mining process and the plumes of sediment it would dump back into the sea could affect marine life."

Source: NYTimes, 11/22/2023


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