
Coal: When Legally Liable, Companies Don't Dispute Global Warming"

"U.S. coal companies that are publicly skeptical of man-made climate change acknowledge in mandatory financial disclosures the widely accepted scientific link between fossil fuel emissions and a warming planet, a Greenwire analysis has found."

Source: Greenwire, 03/20/2015

"Coalition Challenges Science Behind Interior Grouse Protections"

"A coalition of the oil and gas industry, mining groups and local governments in four states is formally challenging some of the core scientific documents the Interior Department is using to protect greater sage grouse habitat covering millions of acres of public lands across the West."

Source: Greenwire, 03/19/2015

BP Deepwater Horizon Anniversary: Follow the Science

In this, the second of two special SEJ TipSheets, the Advocate's Amy Wold provides you with a plethora of science-based information to cover the ongoing story of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, on the eve of the five-year anniversary. Photo: Officials assess sample processing and chain of custody protocol for handling specimens associated with the oil spill. Credit: NOAA.

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As Gov. Scott Denies "Climate" Ban, Order Reported at Other Agencies

Since Florida Gov. Rick Scott's flat denial that his administration has banned state employees from using the terms "climate change" and "global warming," employees from other agencies have come forward to confirm the "unofficial" policy not to use the terms.


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