
"Scientists Fear Climate Data Gap as Trump Aims at Satellites"

"Among the sweeping cuts in the Trump administration’s 53-page budget blueprint released last month, one paragraph stood out to climate researchers. It proposed eliminating four of NASA’s climate science missions, including instruments to study clouds, small airborne particles, the flow of carbon dioxide and other elements of the atmosphere and oceans."

Source: NY Times, 04/11/2017

"Trump’s Budget Would Slash Funding for EPA’s Top Science Panel"

"In a 64-page agency budget document revealed by the Post Friday, a particularly deep cut is aimed at the agency’s 47-member Science Advisory Board, an august panel of outside advisers to the EPA created by Congress in 1978. The board, which is mostly comprised of academic scientists, reviews EPA research to ensure that environmental regulations have a sound foundation."

Source: Washington Post, 04/05/2017

"U.S. Would Slash EPA Vehicle Testing Budget Under Trump Plan"

"The Trump administration would virtually eliminate federal funding for the Environmental Protection Agency's budget for vehicle emissions and fuel economy testing but will seek to raise fees on industry to pay for some testing, a government document shows."

Source: Reuters, 04/05/2017

"EPA Scientific Integrity Office Reviewing Pruitt's Comments On Carbon"

"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's scientific integrity watchdog is reviewing whether EPA chief Scott Pruitt violated the agency's policies when he said in a television interview he does not believe carbon dioxide is driving global climate change, according to an email seen by Reuters on Friday."

Source: Reuters, 04/03/2017


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