"Thawing Alaska Permafrost Sends Autumn CO2 Emissions Surging"
"Emissions from thawing permafrost are now outpacing the uptake of carbon dioxide during the growing season, a new study suggests".
"Emissions from thawing permafrost are now outpacing the uptake of carbon dioxide during the growing season, a new study suggests".
"The United States will participate in advancing climate change research in the Arctic, a State Department official said on Monday, ahead of a summit of Arctic nations later this week where Washington's commitment to tackling climate change will likely be questioned."
"The Environmental Protection Agency has sidelined a website aimed at teaching schoolchildren about climate change, a public watchdog group has determined, as part of the agency’s efforts to align online content with the new administration’s values."
"Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has chosen to replace half of the members on one of its key scientific review boards, the first step in a broader effort by Republicans to change the way the agency evaluates the scientific basis for its regulations."
"As the Environmental Protection Agency proceeds with a large-scale update of its website, its climate change site has been taken down, pending review. But several climate scientists contacted by The Post argue that this is unnecessary."
"Congress’s bipartisan spending agreement could fund federal government operations for less than a year, but its effects on climate policy could persist through future presidential administrations."
"Former U.S. EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy criticized the Trump administration yesterday for removing "years" of climate change data from the agency's public webpage."
"The Environmental Protection Agency announced Friday evening that its website would be “undergoing changes” to better represent the new direction the agency is taking, triggering the removal of several agency websites containing detailed climate data and scientific information."
"It might not be the largest crowd ever assembled on the National Mall, or the hottest spring day ever recorded in the nation's capital, but the heat was oppressive enough, and the People's Climate March impressive enough in scale to send a message."