
Oil Lawyer Stresses Climate ‘Uncertainties’ In Wonky Court Tutorial

"SAN FRANCISCO -- In an unprecedented “tutorial” before a federal judge Wednesday, a lawyer for a major U.S. oil company accepted the scientific consensus that humans are the primary cause of global climate change. But he also emphasized uncertainties about future impacts, while deflecting industry responsibility."

Source: McClatchy, 03/22/2018

Reducing the Obstacles to Science-Based Local Climate Reporting

Get a behind-the-scenes look at the most surprising findings from a new survey of environmental journalists. It showed a range of challenges in covering local climate change stories. And see what the group behind the survey hopes to do to help reporters and editors address these obstacles.

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Enviros Sue Trump EPA Over Refusal to Release Heartland Communications

"Two environmental groups filed suit Thursday to force the Environmental Protection Agency to disclose its correspondence with the Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank that has led a years-long campaign to discredit climate science."

Source: InsideClimate News, 03/16/2018


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