"Why Octopuses Might Be The Next Lab Rats"
"At the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Mass., there's a room filled with burbling aquariums. A lot of them have lids weighed down with big rocks."
"At the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Mass., there's a room filled with burbling aquariums. A lot of them have lids weighed down with big rocks."
"At the end of a week in which the Trump administration rolled back Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan, Mike Pence declined repeated invitations to say the human-induced climate crisis is a threat to US national security."
"The Trump administration has refused to publicize dozens of government-funded studies that carry warnings about the effects of climate change, defying a longstanding practice of touting such findings by the Agriculture Department’s acclaimed in-house scientists."
"EPA plans to move staff from a Houston regional laboratory to another facility 400 miles away."
"Research is raising serious concerns about the impact of climate change on the world's tiniest organisms, and scientists say much more attention is needed."
It’s a category of more than 4,000 industrial chemicals that affect our lives nearly every day — and many of which are toxic. So what do journalists need to know to report on the emerging contaminants known as PFAS? Our most recent Issue Backgrounder offers a detailed primer on what PFAS are, where they come from, what their health effects are and how they might be cleaned up.
"More than half of EPA's science advisory committees could be vulnerable to repeal by the end of the fiscal year under an executive order released Friday."
"For the first time in nearly 40 years, the National Weather Service’s flagship computer prediction model has received a major makeover, which its leadership says will pave the way for improved forecasts."
"At a crucial moment in ethanol policy, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is doubling down on its argument that ethanol is better than conventional fuel."
"A top Environmental Protection Agency official gave a presentation last year at a gathering of some of the most zealous deniers of climate science, highlighting the influence a small, fringe movement hawking crank theories now wields in Washington."