Laws & Regulations

Harvey Won’t Make Congress More Likely To Fix Flood Insurance Mess

"Hurricane Harvey is sure to add more crushing debt to the National Flood Insurance Program, which is already $25 billion in the red. So when Congress resumes on Tuesday, will it immediately act to fix this troubled program? Don’t count on it."

Source: McClatchy, 09/04/2017

Texas GOPers Helped Arkema Lobby Against Safety Rules

"The French company that says its Houston-area chemical plant is spewing "noxious" smoke — and may explode — successfully pressed federal regulators to delay new regulations designed to improve safety procedures at chemical plants, according to federal records reviewed by International Business Times."

Source: International Business Times, 09/04/2017

"Trump Nominates Former Coal Exec To Run MSHA"

"President Donald Trump on Saturday indicated he has chosen as the nation’s top mine safety official the former chief executive of Rhino Resources, a coal company that repeatedly clashed with federal regulators when the Obama administration Labor Department tried to step up industry-wide enforcement in the wake of the worst U.S. coal mining disaster in a generation."

Source: Charleston Gazette-Mail, 09/04/2017

"Trump Could Seek Billions In Harvey Recovery Aid Next Week"

"President Trump could request a package of emergency funding to deal with the damage caused by Hurricane Harvey as soon as next week, a senior administration official said, reshuffling the political agenda as the White House scrambles to deal with devastation left by the storm."

Source: Washington Post, 09/01/2017

"Harvey Could Reshape How and Where Americans Build Homes"

"Hurricane Harvey has highlighted a climate debate that had mostly stayed out of public view -- a debate that’s separate from the battle over greenhouse gas emissions, but more consequential to the lives of many Americans. At the core of that fight is whether the U.S. should respond to the growing threat of extreme weather by changing how and, even where, homes are built."

Source: Bloomberg, 08/31/2017

"Agency Misspent $32 Million, But Interior Has Held No One To Account"

"Investigators have confirmed that a federal water agency misspent $32 million in funds meant to protect fish and wildlife in the Klamath basin of California and Oregon, a finding that Obama-era officials attempted to sideline after whistleblowers first alerted them to it."

Source: McClatchy, 08/31/2017


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