Laws & Regulations

Offshore Safety Chief Meets Almost Exclusively With Industry

"Documents show that Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Director Scott Angelle has spent more than 98 hours meeting with oil and gas lobbyists and executives since he began the role last May. In contrast, during this same time he only spent 1.75 hours with NGOs."

Source: Think Progress, 03/14/2018

Pruitt Says ‘California Is Not The Arbiter’ Of U.S. Emissions Standards

"Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt said Tuesday that EPA is not planning to set stricter fuel economy standards beyond 2025 and questioned whether states such as California should be able to enact their own tougher emissions rules for cars and light trucks."

Source: Washington Post, 03/14/2018

As Threat of Coal-Ash Pollution Grows, Data May Diminish

Coal ash can contaminate surface and ground water with toxic heavy metals. But as this week’s TipSheet reports, Trump deregulation aims to loosen EPA rules on its disposal. That may mean a big local pollution story. If journalists can find the data, that is. The latest on the new rules, plus resources for coverage.

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