Laws & Regulations

"Storm-Prone States Ease Up On Building Codes Despite Growing Risks"

"A report being released on Monday shows Florida isn’t alone in easing up on building regulations even as the effects of global warming escalate. The Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety examined building policies in 18 Atlantic and Gulf Coast states and found that despite the increasing severity of natural disasters, many of those states have relaxed their approach to codes - or have yet to impose any whatsoever."

Source: Bloomberg, 03/20/2018

"Pruitt Huddled With Coal Exec Who Raised Over $1M for Trump"

"EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt met with an Indiana coal executive last year who was seeking to soften a pollution rule — and who once boasted about raising more than a million dollars for President Donald Trump’s campaign, according to documents provided to POLITICO."

Source: Politico, 03/19/2018

Egged on by Industry Lobbyists, Interior Dept. Weakens Bird Protections

"From the cockpit of a Cessna airplane, Gary Mowad, a special agent for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, spotted what looked like a dried-out pond in rural eastern Colorado. The banks of the pond were black, so he suspected it was actually a pit for oil company waste."

Source: Reveal, 03/16/2018

"Oil and Gas Leaders Warn Trump He Risks Harming Their Industry"

"President Donald Trump disagreed with executives of major oil and gas companies Thursday about the importance of keeping binding dispute settlement procedures in a renegotiated North American Free Trade Agreement, according to a person familiar with the discussion."

Source: Bloomberg, 03/16/2018

Enviros Sue Trump EPA Over Refusal to Release Heartland Communications

"Two environmental groups filed suit Thursday to force the Environmental Protection Agency to disclose its correspondence with the Heartland Institute, a conservative think tank that has led a years-long campaign to discredit climate science."

Source: InsideClimate News, 03/16/2018

Despite Trump's Skepticism, US Officials Still Fighting Global Warming

"U.S. President Donald Trump has bashed international efforts to combat climate change and questioned the scientific consensus that global warming is dangerous and driven by human consumption of fossil fuels. But there is a disconnect between what Trump says at home and what his government does abroad."

Source: Reuters, 03/15/2018


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