Laws & Regulations

Bureau of Land Management May Exempt Plans From Environmental Review

"The Bureau of Land Management may stop studying how its long-term blueprints for millions of acres of public lands would affect the environment, according to a document shared with Bloomberg Environment."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 02/05/2020

As Regulations Roll Back, Could Clean Water Protection Business Dry Up?

"Many business interests are cheering President Trump's recent rollback of water regulations put in place by the Obama administration. But companies that make money protecting clean water could take a big hit."

Source: NPR, 02/03/2020

"Trump’s Border Wall Faces Environmental Challenge at High Court"

"Environmental groups are calling on the Supreme Court to review the legality of the Trump administration’s decision to exempt various border wall projects from environmental laws."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 02/03/2020

How Corporations Use Deceptive "Mercenary Science" To Evade Regulation

In public discourse about our supposed post-truth society, most op-eds fixate on the way that social media can create separate reality bubbles. Few focus on what David Michaels, Obama's Assistant Secretary of Labor for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), calls "mercenary science" — science-for-hire, contracted out by chemical and pharmaceutical companies to prove that their harmful products aren't harmful by giving them the quantitative imprimatur of STEM knowledge."

Source: Salon, 02/03/2020


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