Laws & Regulations

Biden Admin To Bring Back Endangered Species Protections Undone By Trump

"The Biden administration announced plans on Friday to reverse policies implemented under President Donald Trump that weakened the Endangered Species Act, a half-century-old law credited with the recovery of the bald eagle, humpback whale, grizzly bear and dozens of other species."

Source: Washington Post, 06/07/2021

As Disasters Worsen, Calif. Looks at Curbing Construction in Risky Areas

"At the start of wildfire season, California’s insurance regulator has backed sweeping changes to discourage home building in fire-prone areas, including looking at cutting off new construction in those regions from what is often their only source of insurance — the state’s high-risk pool."

Source: NYTimes, 06/07/2021

"G7 Backs Making Climate Risk Disclosure Mandatory"

"Group of Seven (G7) rich countries backed moves to force banks and companies to disclose their exposure to climate-related risks on Saturday, a measure seen as vital to efforts to safeguard the financial system from climate change shocks.

G7 finance ministers meeting in London also called for more coordination to measure what impact companies are having on the climate and environment, warning of the risk of fragmentation as local jurisdictions adopt different approaches.

Source: Reuters, 06/07/2021

"U.S. To List Nevada Flower As Endangered, Dealing Blow To Lithium Mine"

"The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said on Thursday it will propose listing the Tiehm’s buckwheat flower as an endangered species, dealing a blow to ioneer Ltd’s proposed Rhyolite Ridge lithium mine in Nevada."

Source: Reuters, 06/04/2021

Appeals Court Rules Trump Policy Wrongly Denied Protection To Walruses

"A U.S. federal appeals court ruled on Thursday that the Trump administration improperly denied Endangered Species Act protections to Pacific walruses, animals reliant on diminishing Arctic sea ice for survival."

Source: Reuters, 06/04/2021


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