Laws & Regulations

House, Setting Marker for Talks, Passes $715 Billion Infrastructure Bill

"The House on Thursday laid down its marker for this month’s infrastructure negotiations, approving a five-year, $715 billion transportation and drinking water bill that would do more to combat climate change than the Senate’s bipartisan measure embraced by President Biden."

Source: NYTimes, 07/02/2021

As Western Wildfires Worsen, FEMA Is Denying Most People Who Ask For Help

"Brenda and Francis Dairy's small ranch house, tucked into the Oregon woods, was built to withstand a wildfire. The siding was concrete, the roof metal. It didn't matter. On Sept. 7 of last year, as the sky turned dark orange and the air grew thick with smoke, flames tore through nearby trees and engulfed the house entirely."

Source: NPR, 07/01/2021

"White House Escalates Push For Clean Electricity Standard"

"White House climate adviser Gina McCarthy is laying out a case for Congress to pass a clean electricity standard in a budget reconciliation package, re-upping the push for climate legislation as Democratic leadership deals with competing infrastructure priorities on Capitol Hill."

Source: E&E News, 07/01/2021

"Biden Says Climate Change Is Driving Wildfires And Historic Heat Wave"

"President Joe Biden on Wednesday said climate change is driving an increased threat from wildfires as he announced new federal response plans during a meeting with governors from western states facing a record-breaking heat wave."

Source: CNN, 07/01/2021

"In Video, Exxon Lobbyist Describes Efforts to Undercut Climate Action"

"On the tape, made in a Greenpeace sting, he described working with “shadow groups” to fight climate science, and detailed efforts to weaken President Biden’s proposals to burn less oil."

Source: NYTimes, 07/01/2021

WH Says Bipartisan Deal Will Get Rid Of All Of The Country's Lead Pipes

"The bipartisan infrastructure agreement reached last week will get rid of all of the country's lead pipes and service lines, according to a new White House memo, but it's not clear how long it will take."

Source: The Hill, 06/30/2021


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