Laws & Regulations

"Greta Thunberg Condemns UK Firm’s Plans For Iron Mine On Sami Land"

"A British company has fallen foul of Greta Thunberg, Unesco, Sweden’s national church, and the indigenous people in the north of the country over plans for an open-pit mine on historical Sami reindeer-herding lands."

Source: Guardian, 02/14/2022

"Harris in NJ Points To Newark As Model For Lead Replacement"

"The success of New Jersey’s biggest city at replacing nearly 24,000 lead drinking water pipes can serve as a national model and shows why infrastructure spending is vital, Vice President Kamala Harris said Friday in Newark."

Source: AP, 02/14/2022

Formaldehyde Increases By 17 Percent The Risk Of Memory, Thinking Woes

"Health-care workers and others who are exposed on the job to formaldehyde, even in low amounts, face a 17 percent increased likelihood of developing memory and thinking problems later on, according to research published in the journal Neurology."

Source: Washington Post, 02/14/2022

Rightwing Lobby ALEC Pushes To Blacklist Companies That Boycott Oil

"The influential rightwing lobby group the American Legislative Exchange Council (Alec) is driving a surge in new state laws to block boycotts of the oil industry. The group’s strategy, which aims to protect large oil firms and other conservative-friendly industries, is modelled on legislation to punish divestment from Israel."

Source: Guardian, 02/14/2022

"White House Sees Greening Power Sector Even if Court Hobbles EPA"

"Powerful economic currents are already pushing electric utilities toward clean energy even if the U.S. Supreme Court hands down a ruling that limits the EPA’s ability to regulate greenhouse gases, National Climate Adviser Gina McCarthy said Thursday."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 02/11/2022

"US Coal Communities Get Historic $11B To Clean Up Abandoned Mines"

"The U.S. Department of the Interior announced the release of nearly $725 million in funding for cleaning up old coal-mining facilities. It’s the first tranche of a record $11.3 billion dedicated to coal cleanup in last year’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, to be disbursed over the next 15 years."

Source: Canary Media, 02/11/2022


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